Thursday, November 13, 2008

even further afield....

I have been frittering away hours at work at the Wonderglen website. It's pure time-wasting entertainment... the obvious comparison is an internet version of the TV show The Office. It kind of sucks you in, like a comedy vortex-- there's a lot to see at the Wonderglen site, and they appear to update it every day. If you're me, or you share my sense of humor, it's really a rich trove of hilarity.

To give you a sense of what you're in for, here's a video from the website starring Famous Actor James Franco:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Off topic, but...

I can't help it... I know this doesn't have anything to do with the industry, but I found this to be so... appropriate these days. Now, I've never been a fan of bumper stickers-- whatever they happen to be saying. It seems like a shallow and self-congratulatory way to express any kind of important idea. Anyway, someone else apparently felt the same way, and created a bumper sticker that says, "and also, I'm a jackass." The idea is, you attach it to someone else's car, so that now their car says "Free Tibet!...and also, I'm a jackass." Or: "America: Love it or Leave it...and also, I'm a jackass." It definitely sends a message (maybe too strong a message?) that people ought to knock off the bumper-sticker-proselytizing.

Here's the links to the "jackass bumper sticker:"